Rise of the Dark Hunters

Section 8: The Shadowed One Rising
The Shadowed One hides in the Archives ready
to launch his master plan.

Section 9: The Fall of Unity
The Toa split-up to protect their Metru's from the Shadowed One. But was it a wise choice?

Section 10: The Begining of the End
The Toa team up to deafeat the Shadowed One, but a war is about to begin...

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Rise of the Dark Hunters, Section 4: A Traveller's Destination

Traveller was annoyed. The Toa of Earth did not believe that a Dark Hunter was in the archives. Traveller decided to go to Ga-Metru and find Nokama, she would know what to do. He found her in the Great Temple.
"Nokama!" Traveller called.
Nokama looked surprised, "Traveller, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"Its the Dark Hunters, their after me." He said.
"And we've found you, Matoran." Hissed an evil voice.
Suddenly two Dark Hunters, Zaktan and Avak, Jumped down.
"Why are you chasing me, what do you what?" Traveller asked, scared to death by their appearance.
"An old friend want's to see you." Zaktan hissed.
"And he's not very happy." Avak finished.
"Nether am I!" Shouted Toa Naho. "Put down that Matoran or else."
"Avak get that Matoran out of here. I will take down this foolish Toa." Zaktan ordered.
Avak grabbed Traveller and through him over his shoulder, then ran out of the temple. Hahli followed Avak out.
Meanwhile Zaktan was dodging Naho's attacks. "Is that the best you've got, Toa." Zaktan taunted.
"You're not so good either, Hunter" Naho snapped back.

Nokama followed them to the shore Avak got in his boat and sailed away with Traveller.
Where are they taking him. She wondered...

To Be Continued...